Right before Christmas I got an email (well everyone in our building did) about a program called critters in the classroom. Usually the word CRITTER has me breaking out in hives thinking of rodents and bugs and such. But this program, sponsored by Petfundango , is pretty cool. they send you the hamster/gerbil cage, and supplies, plus continue to send you coupons for more supplies, and they reimburse you up to $20 for the pet.
So today, my son and I headed to PetSmart to find a critter. We decided on a Chinese Dwarf hamster. They only had females, which is fine. SO we got one and Noah promptly named her Sniffles. I had to remind him that Sniffles was going to school with me tomorrow, not staying at our house (much to the chagrin of our two cats--who thought I had brought home a new play toy for them). Meanwhile, my son has been working on my husband to buy him a hamster of his own... great, now I will have a critter in my classroom and one at home. Anyway, here are a few pictures of Sniffles....