This morning as I headed into school, I was a little scared/nervous/anxious about whether my little furry friend had returned, or if she was even still alive. Shortly after arriving this morning I ran into Bobby, our building engineer. You have to know Bobby (and some of you do) to truly appreciate this story. You see Bobby is a man of few words but has a wicked sense of humor. He was grinning yesterday morning when I told him my hamster was on the loose. I know this is not the first time he has been called in to located a wayward class pet. And from the look on his face, the outcome is usually not good...
So this morning when I ran into Bobby I told him I was headed up to see if my furry felon had returned. He laughed and said "I found him"--apparently Bobby was confused about the gender of Sweet T! I cautiously asked is she was dead or alive. He grinned and said "Alive!" I almost kissed him, I was so excited. He told me that he had gone in my classroom at about 5am this morning and heard her scurrying around. He started lifting up things and discovered her stash of food that she had carried out of the open cage I left on the floor. And a few minutes later, he discovered her hiding in my bookshelf (see picture below).
Needless to say, my boys were very excited to see that our little escape artist had returned this morning when they arrived at school. I know I am going to have to be extra careful whenever I clean the cage to make sure that I get the lid back on securely...I am thinking about buying an aquarium to put her in, so I can put a brick on the top to keep her from escaping. I really enjoyed reading some of the responses I received on Facebook when I posted about the hamster escaping. The best one was from my friend Mo, who sent me this link.... Enjoy!!
Love the happy ending of the furry felon! Enjoying your posts!
Woo Hoo! So glad you found her...alive. Had a dead mouse in an apartment once, I wouldn't wish that smell on anyone! Great link, by the way - who knew hamsters had their own website. :)
Thanks Chrissy and Chris for reading and for leaving me a comment. I am glad she has returned. She must have really worn herself out..she slept all day today, without moving at all (and yes, I checked to make sure she was still alive!!)
Yay! I'm a bit behind on catching up, but am glad to hear she's safe and sound! :)
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