Today was Mega-Meeting Wednesday..once a month, I have meetings from 12:30pm until oh, 4ish or later, depending on how long our staff meeting runs. I am the interim PTA President for out school, and on the School Improvement Council so once a month, both groups meet on Wednesday which happens to be the day we have staff meetings. Long day...for sure.
So today, after I had already chaired a PTA meeting and sat though SIC meeting, our Principal announces in our staff meeting that we are getting goats. Yes, you read that right....GOATS!! So, there is a program in our county where they are supplying goats to school ...we're not exactly sure why. And apparently, they're good lawn mowers (and fertilizers) so some time this year we are getting three goats. Of course, being the mature adults that we are on staff, it lead to tons of questions like who is going to milk them, or better yet, clean up after them? These questions continued when laughter and chuckles broke out and the next question was what happens if the kids are out on the playground and the goats get a little frisky (with each other, not the children, mind you)..we are around children all day so it is inevitable that eventually our maturity level takes a hit!!! The conversation took a downward turn from that point, but it sure was a good way to let off some steam after a long day!!
Now I can't wait to share the news of the goats with my boys...if they were excited about the hamster, imagine how excited they are going to be about goats!!
Hahahahahahahahah! That is totally hysterical! Maybe it is a SC thing, I just can't imagine that in Northern VA.
Sounds like there are going to be lots of "teachable moments" ahead!!!
oh the things I miss at those staff meetings...I wonder when this will happen :)
I really thought our principal was joking..but she is serious. Some of the schools around the county have already gotten theirs. And the funniest part of her story was the way she found out...Bobby Jones got a memo from the district! Apparently they are being used to help maintain the grass and fertilize!! Haha!
Oh my! Goats will be an adventure. My cousin had a couple of goats for a while (at her home)- until they ate all of the grass in their pen, then the yard. Then they decided they liked standing on the cars more than the ground. That's when the goats found a new home! Good luck with them!
i'm just wondering how long it will be before I am summoned to chase a goat that has somehow ended up in building. At least that would give us an explanation for poop in the hallway :-)
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