Saturday, February 6, 2010

#6 Allow me to hit the pause button for a moment...

It is almost midnight and in order to fulfil my contractual obligation (okay, there really is no contract ), I have to post every day in February. And since it is almost midnight and I have not posted (not to mention the fact I just got home from a party and had WAY too much wine)..I need to stop procrastinating and post before the clock strikes midnight! The problem is, I am not feeling the creative juices flowing (which is strange, because after drinking the aforementioned wine, you would think they would be!)

So I figured the best thing to post about was reflections of my week. And here it is short and sweet in bullet form...gotta love bullet form when you are trying to pull ideas out of you know where!!!

  • My week started out with a snow day..can it get any better than that?

  • Finished up 2nd round of N & O Math flex groups this week. We rocked fractions...Boo-Yeah!!

  • It is less than 6 weeks until PASS writing and I am starting to freak out a little bit, but I am trying not to let it show to my little friends or they will REALLY freak out!

  • We are reading some great stories and my friends are really getting the reading comprehension skills...they could fill out a story map in their sleep!

  • It is so hard to believe that we are reaching the mid-point of our 3rd 9 weeks grading period. Summer is going to be here before we know it. Yay!!

  • I still get excited when I break out a new pack of dry erase markers...brings back memories of the start of the school year.

  • I am getting better at working on my lesson plans throughout the week so that I am not overwhelmed on the weekend trying to finish them up. I can actually say I have not spent an early Saturday morning writing lesson plans since early January. Yay Me!!

  • I love the fact that I tried some new stuff this week and it worked....especially our new greeting and handshake at morning meeting.

  • And even though I also wanted this week to end with a snow day also, that didn't quite work out in my favor. But I had a great Friday anyway.

And last but not least, I just wanted to mention how blessed I am to work with such an amazing, funny, sweet, smart, kind group of 9 year old boys and the greatest colleagues in the world. You guys ROCK and you know who you are!! Love ya!

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